Wednesday 30 May 2012

Carrie (1976)

I'm having one of my non-sleep nights so I thought it would be nice to watch some movie. So I picked Carrie. I really can't remember why I picked this particular movie but now that I've watched it I'm very satisfeid with my choice. Not that it's a great story with great actors in it but the visuals are just "delicious". I particulary liked the close ups but in general all visuals of this movie are golden.
The story is basically about a shy and bullied girl with telekinetic powers who gets pushed too far on one special night, the prom night.
If you are into visuals and stuff like that I highly recommend you this movie.


Tuesday 29 May 2012

Je suis amoureuse

Et oui, je suis amoureuse d'Alex Beaupain :)
Well let me explain to you that Alex Beaupain is a french composer and singer and that I am in love, not with him, but with his songs. He is the composer of all the songs on "Les chansons d'amour" film. He did a lot more songs for other french films. I love his music. It's definitely a plus that he is french and sings in that beautiful language.

Here's a song from Les Chansons d'Amour :

Yesterday was a long day

Yesterday was a LONG day indeed. I woke up at 00:00 and couldn't fall asleep again so...yeah. At 10:00 am I went to college and had classes all day long 'till 19:00. Then I went for dinner at Inês' house. Then at 21:30 we came back to Lisbon to film with Telma, a friend of ours. We filmed 'till 23:30...I got home at 00:00 and then I went online to check my e-mail and then ZzZzZzZzzZzZzZz... Ahh, it felt so good to finally be home again and sleep in my sweet bed hehe

And this was my yesterday's outfit, hope you like it and go HYPE it on lookbook :)


Monday 28 May 2012


Okay, now I think it's time for some inspiration post. I don't know how this blog thing works so I guess I'll be posting whatever comes to my mind. It's not like I have tons of readers anyways...

Note: The pictures on this post are not mine. I got them from some Tumblr blogs I follow and I do not know who the owners are (except for the fashion ones). Please contact me if you know the owner of any of them.


L'amour ne dure pas toujours

Yeah, that's the name of my blog :) It's inspired on the Françoise Hardy's song L'amour ne dure pas toujours. I've always loved this french singer. I listen to her songs since I was a little girl and I've always loved this song so very much. Plus, I also believe that love does not last forever so...yeah. We'll discuss about this last subject on another post maybe. Enjoy the song :)

Here's the lyrics:

Pourquoi t'inquiète mon silence
Crois-moi tu n'as plus de recours
Que prendre ton mal en patience
L'amour ne dure pas toujours

Tu te jouais de moi je pense
Quand je croyais t'aimer d'amour
Aujourd'hui change la balance
L'amour ne dure pas toujours

Tu as été mon espérance
Je t'ai appelé au secours
Tu vins bien tard mais pour ma chance
L'amour ne dure pas toujours

Tu fus aussi ma délivrance
Tout s'est passé en quelques jours
Avant après c'est la souffrance
L'amour ne dure pas toujours

Tu ne fus donc qu'une expérience
On s'est trompé chacun son tour
Mon coeur fatigué prend vacances
L'amour ne dure pas toujours !
Paroles et Musique: Françoise Hardy   1963 © 1963 - Disque Vogue


Sunday 27 May 2012

Et oui...

La Frontière de l'Aube

I love this movie so much! Here's some clip from the actual movie. Hope you like it :)

La Belle Personne

Some great french movie. And great french singer Jacques Brel.


Gelados italianos do Chef Nino - A MUST GO!

Me and my friend Inês we are the ultimate gourmandes so last week we went to some new place I found over the internet that is ABSOLUTELY heavenly. It's such a cute place to seat and eat some great pancakes, drink some milshake or tea...they have everything! I got in love with that cute little place. Plus, the prices are equally delicious :)


My face

And this is me :)
It's a self portrait by the way. 


Hey everyone!

I decided to create a blog after viewing tons of such nice blogs about fashion, art, photography and stuff like that. Probably I won't be posting anything on here...probably I'll just forget about it...well I don't know what will happen to this new born blog but I hope it won't die alone and forgotten.
And that's it for first post! 

Long live to this blog!
